Saturday, September 10, 2016

Lists, lists, and MORE lists.

Somehow the picture is upside down, kind of like me right now. The notebook on the left has dividers and pages of notes. Each day before we leave is listed. Each day we are gone is listed as to where we are staying. Then there are the lists you can't see that have the things we usually forget. And all the other lists are, do it now lists, grocery lists, and what I still need to accomplish. 


  1. What would we DO without our lists???

    What a sweet foxy hat!

  2. Between The Fisherman and me, totally lost. Last trip to Seattle we forgot almost all our charger cords. We have a small super charger with just enough to get by. Luckily the kids had extras, or we just charged at their house. The list of what we forget is pretty large. We used to have for the motorhome a mini notebook with the lists, saved our tooshies many a day. When we get back we are talking about heading north. And then maybe I can spend some time with you dear friend.
